Groups With Nice Members

Group functionality has come a long way on LinkedIn since the early days, and one of the aspects that is a must for successful group interactions and livelihood is the attitude of members.

Let’s look at some of the ways it might be one of my favorite linked things…

First – the things I don’t like

Pushy, rude, loud, and spammy…

Yes, those are the anti-group attributes.

Look – if you’re simply dropping the same canned “buy my goods” message on each of 15 different group comment forums, it gets tired fast.

If I’m a marginal participant, I’ll drop the group – I’m not that interested.

If I want to reach the same group and value the membership, I’ll silence all messages so I don’t have to listen to them…

Nice is, well, nice…

Nice folks support each other; offer ideas, opinions, and suggestions; and have a sense of respect and tolerance.

These are folks that you could feel comfortable with exploring a concept, or even asking for help.

And sure, once in a while you might debate a subject from opposite sides, but everything stays above board – no insults, slurs, or attacks.

Moderation helps

Two kinds here – taking a moderate line, and getting assistance from a moderator.

Just because everyone can chime in doesn’t mean a moderator should allow a free-for-all. I’m a firm believer in quick pruning of comments, warning repeat offenders, and pulling membership for repeat offenses.

At the same time, the moderator should not be dropping comments or topics just because he or she doesn’t want to let someone else get in their views.  An even hand is a must.

Creating your own group

And here’s a way forward if you can’t find groups with nice members – start your own!-)

It isn’t that hard, and you get to set the direction – just remember to steer a moderate course;-)

Viewing the video

And here’s the video:


Comments on the youtube copy of “Favorite Linked Things” appreciated.

To your continued success,


Steven Tylock


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