She Sees Sue, Sue Sees She – Who Sees Who In LinkedIn?

Sorry for the Suess-ism in the title, but this topic is very circular and the reference will put you in the right frame of mind!-)

Who’s “In” and “Out” of your network?  And what networks are you in?

Read on…

Direct Connections

Your direct connections are “In” your network at “level 1”- so far so good, right?

Connections Connections

Your direct connections have their own connections – those also are “In” your network and at “level 2”.

Their Connections;-)

Your direct connections’ connections have their own connections – those also are “In” your network and at “level 3”.

Here’s a bit of a crude graphical image:

You – Direct Connections (1st) – Their Connections (2nd) – Their Connections (3rd)

Everyone Else

Everyone not a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level connection is not “In” your network, and is “Outside” your network.


Except for group membership – you’re “group connected” to every other member of every group you belong to.

Highest level of connectivity

The system will show connectivity at the highest level.  If you connect to Sue, and Sue connects to Mary, Mary is a 2nd level connection.  If you also connect to Mary, the system will show your 1st level connection instead of the 2nd level through Sue.

Perfectly clear now, right?-)

The people you are connected to are the same people that connect to you

Ok – read that again…

The implication is that when you search through a network that has 1.4 million members, you are in turn the subject of searches by 1.4 million members when they search.

How’s your profile?

Did I give you another reason to update your profile?  For more help on that, consult the Profiles category archive to the right and consider “The LinkedIn Personal Trainer“.

To your continued success,

Steven Tylock