LinkedIn For The Salesman: Introductions

We’re continuing with the topic – how can we use LinkedIn during the sales process?

We found a prospect , discovered more about them, and now need to reach out – with an introduction.

The LinkedIn Introduction

LinkedIn makes it easy to reach out through your network of known and trusted connections – to get introduced to the people they know and trust.

Notice – I’m harping on about that “know and trust” stuff again.

But think about it. Let’s reverse the shoes – you’re approached by someone you don’t know who wants you to introduce them to your best client. Are you going to risk that relationship to help a stranger?

If you say anything other than “heck no”, I say “I doubt it” – and ask when the last time you’ve ever done that was.

The non-introduction

And I’m not talking about the fake introduction – you know, the kind Franklin might have given to someone he doesn’t know introducing that individual to someone else he doesn’t know

No, LinkedIn just falls on its face when you connect to people that will not or cannot introduce you properly.

If you’re using the system as an open address book that’s all you get out of it.

Other means

If you want to use LinkedIn’s built-in introduction system, and need more help, consult the topic archives in the right hand column or consider purchasing The LinkedIn Personal Trainer. (It’s really not that hard – though many LinkedIn users have never tried it)

But don’t forget – you’re not required to stay digital. Once you’ve decided to ask Mary to introduce you to Tom, you’ll find that the phone still works, and lunch is always an inviting option.

And then we’re back into the real world where you have to close the sale;-)

To your continued success,


Steven Tylock