Thought I’d take the time today to discuss creeping, I mean following, on LinkedIn.
Oh sure – it’s useful, but let’s face it – it can seem a little off-putting.
We call it “following”, and it’s not different than following on other platforms like twitter of facebook.
But let’s check into this, ok?
If you’d like to keep track of what’s happening at a company – go ahead. Look them up with a company search, and then follow them. Just to try it out, I looked up Apple and started following them (along with more than a hundred thousand other people).
You can configure notices when the company profile is updated, job opportunities are posted, or when employees join, leave, or are promoted – either within your network, or across the entire LinkedIn user base.
All this happens in your “updates” feed. (on your account home page or through your RSS feed)
When LinkedIn started the following feature, all your direct connections were added to your “I follow” list. Anytime you add a new connection – you follow them.
When these people make comments in groups – you’ll see them.
And if you see others within groups that you’d like to receive updates from, go ahead and follow them too.
And if there’s a particular discussion that you’d like to track within a group – you can follow that as well.
Don’t expect to privately creep…
And just so you know what to expect, I can see who is following any company or my own profile.
So if you want to follow the competition to see what they’re up to – no problem, but expect that they can look out the front window and see you sitting there;-)
And if you want to take it to a personal level – that’s fine too – but again, that person can see that you’re following them.
To look for yourself, click through “Groups” – “Following” to reach a management page. For companies, click on the number of followers under their profile. (There’s no practical way to see all 100,870 Apple followers 20 at a time, but your company probably isn’t Apple…)
Within the “Group” – “Following” page, you can stop following any individual or discussion.
You’ll also find a similar “Companies” – “Following” page to manage those.
Targeted Following
If I really wanted a job with company ABC, I’d probably follow them.
If I wanted to make a sale at company XYZ, I’d probably follow them.
But I’m still limited to 24 hours in a day, so I’m not going to follow anybody without a good reason.
Do you have an effective following strategy you’d care to share with us?
To your continued success,
Steven Tylock