If you’re looking for an angel investment in your startup and you haven’t been using LinkedIn, you are literally leaving money on the table.
(Some people use the word literally when they mean figuratively, but in this case, I really think you are leaving money on the table!-)
It came up earlier when I wrote about Gishido “Raising Venture Funds Through LinkedIn“, and it’s clearly a favorite thing about LinkedIn.
Introductions to the right sort of people
Definitely a strength of LinkedIn, getting the right introduction to the right person can absolutely help your venture.
And by the way – this month’s poll is looking to find out how you’ve used LinkedIn’s introduction feature – please take a few moments to answer it over in the right column.
Investor Profiles
I’m sure you can come up with the right sort of search terms for your likely investors, right?
Give it a go and see who’s on the system.
Investor groups
And while I’d rather have you meet them through introductions, there are a number of angel investor groups on LinkedIn – do some targeted searching within the groups and see what’s available.
Even if they are not a source of funds, you might get some good ideas out of it.
I’m neither looking nor offering…
I’m just not in the market on either side of this, so if you have more direct experience, please let us all hear about it. If you need to remain anonymous, just use the code name “Hidemy Identity” and we’ll keep you from the spotlight;-)
Viewing the video
As usual, here’s the video:
Comments on the youtube copy of “Favorite Linked Things” appreciated.
To your continued success,
Steven Tylock