LinkedIn BlackBerry Version 1.1 Released

LinkedIn is letting us know that the first uptick in their BlackBerry software, version 1.1 – has been released.

It adds support for Storm and Pearl, and you know what they say about release .1!

No reason not to update

As I pointed out in March, The LinkedIn BlackBerry download page is here.

Go ahead and get it.

People sometimes wait on version 1 of anything, but version 1.1 – that’s the one where they fixed most of those things that weren’t quite right out of the gate.

Feedback – please

Hey – I’d like to know if you use your BlackBerry with LinkedIn!

Tell us about how you look someone up on the fly;-)

Browser independence – Phone independence?

LinkedIn has done a good job of keeping the site useful no matter what browser you use – and by the results so far of this month’s poll, this site pulls in a few different ones. (please take the poll if you have not already;-)

And the question I’ll ask is – do you have something other than a BlackBerry that you’d like to report on?  The iPhone and Palm are also mentioned on LinkedIn’s mobile page.  Any experience with them?  Do you have a device they don’t yet support?

To your continued success,


Steven Tylock