Actually – that’s an understatement. Just a few LinkedIn users pay for their account.
In March I asked users if they went with the free or paid account; and I spread things out by asking if people were interested in the paid account (but had not yet started paying), had left it behind, or which version of paid account they used (if they went that way).
So let’s have a look.
Answer to get a look
This seems to be the standard – if you’d like to see the results, you’ve got to answer the question. (We’ve already got April’s poll out to the right – if you want to see the current count, select an answer and see;-)
No contest
When I add up the three different ways of saying “No”, we get a whopping 88%.
Just a very few people are paying for their account.
(And through this site, I’ve taken great pains to show what you can and can’t do with the free account – this is perfectly reasonable and might be a very good percentage of paying users to support the product)
Charts and such
Three pollsters were walking down the road, and one turns to the others and asks: “When’s Steve going to paste in that graphic already?”
Hey – I’m not fooling around here (even though it is the right day to do so).
Visitors were asked to respond to this question:
Do you use a paid LinkedIn account?
Free accounts rule
Of those that use free accounts, most have always done so. A reasonably sizable group is considering it – that’s an interesting statistic (and something the folks over at LinkedIn would probably be glad to hear).
And just a small number have paid and dropped it. (I hear about this more often though – Perhaps because people are intensely interested and concerned about stopping payment when they make that decision. LinkedIn’s help line is not known for its accessibility…)
Business patterns
Of those that pay for an account, the business version seems to be the most popular.
I haven’t really seen that the “Job Seeker” line of accounts are that useful to an actual out-of-work individual, but that account type has a smidge of support.
No users seem to be going for the very expensive accounts. (This is one place where I’d love to see the actual account statistics from inside LinkedIn, but I’m sure that’s highly confidential information not to be trusted to someone like me;-)
Next up – how many LinkedIn groups do you belong to?
Last summer I reviewed some of the changes to the LinkedIn group tab. How is that working out for you?
Does it mean you’re in more or less groups? Go ahead – let us know.
Check it out – just over to the right and up.
To your continued success,
Steven Tylock