I Simply Remember My Favorite Linked Things

And Then I Don’t Feel So Bad!

There are nay-sayers in every crowd, and once in a while I run across posts from others that don’t get LinkedIn.

That’s ok – it’s an entirely optional site, but we should spend a couple minutes on this…

What’s the deal?

The common knock is that the site is by and for people out of work who join, connect to each other, and then don’t do anything.

As expressed best by this CurrentTV video about LinkedIn (that is much better than mine;-).

And while it is funny, it isn’t accurate…

Lack of training

The fact that most LinkedIn users haven’t successfully used the introduction feature (as uncovered in last month’s survey) is a glaring example.

While current users and the media spotlight have been successfully attracting new users, the new users haven’t been given enough information to understand how the site supports professionals both in and out of work.

And that’s why I’m here

The day I believe there is no need for an independent LinkedIn adviser is the day I hang up my spurs here – and I just don’t see that happening soon.

People need help understanding the system, and that’s what you get from this site (and the book, and my personal and group training sessions;-).

Viewing the video

It’s been fun, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the topics this video has inspired.


Comments on the youtube copy of “Favorite Linked Things” appreciated.

To your continued success,


Steven Tylock