If you haven’t guessed, I’m working through the lyrics of the video – because in order to make it in, I really did have to think highly of each favorite thing;-)
This line gives me a chance to reflect…
By the numbers
LinkedIn has been growing steadily – the site now lists more than 75 million members. It seems I’m always updating the “size of LinkedIn” portion of my presentations;-)
I used to say I joined when LinkedIn was a fraction of it’s current size – I can now officially say: “I joined when LinkedIn was 1% of it’s current size!”
The LinkedIn Personal Trainer 2 years ago
Checking out the archive, I enjoyed a peek at articles from 2 years ago – and this one is just as good today:
Networking After You Land a New Position
If you are relatively new to this site, you should really check out the articles in the archives.
Your favorite linked things
Hey – I know this site doesn’t get a whole lot of commenting going on.
Oh sure, if I let the spam comments through, there’d be a ton. Things like “This site rocks, I’ll be back” with an email of “musicforlife@somesite.com” and a link to “http://buymystuff.com”…
I do expect that if a real reader wanted to leave a comment and the anti-spam defense got in the way you’d actually contact me. (and a few have) Keeping the anti-spam comment features in saves me from looking at hundreds of spam-comments each day… really.
But I do want to hear from you – yes, you;-)
Viewing the video
And as always, your comments on the youtube copy of “Favorite Linked Things” would be very much appreciated:-)
To your continued success,
Steven Tylock
Great video!