The note started “I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, email from LinkedIn is sent to an account I hardly ever read, and I don’t login to LinkedIn very often”…
What if it was a job offer, or a sale, or a business deal – would you let that drop into an email account you hardly ever read?
That’s not going to happen to you, right?
“Someone suggested I send the email to a separate account”
Ok – for a few compulsive people, a solution like this may keep the “prime” mailbox clear of spam. But for most people it’s an invitation for trouble.
It’s not a question of if, but when something important will slip by because the once-a-week check of the “other email” get’s passed up. Or what if the need was very urgent, and the customer looked at the next solution because you didn’t respond?
Your email account is safe with LinkedIn
First off – you’re not going to include your email account on your LinkedIn profile, right?
So – the only people with access to it are the people you connect to – and you know all of them…
Nobody else gets it.
You won’t get any more spam because you use your primary email address in LinkedIn.
Unwanted email
So you’re on board with that primaty email account, and you still get too many “network updates” or “group email” for your liking.
OK – If you don’t want to receive email from LinkedIn, you can configure your settings appropriately (under “Account & Settings”), but that kind of defeats the purpose of using LinkedIn, doesn’t it?-)
And if you’re getting too many contacts from connections about matters that you’re not interested in or from people you don’t know – well fix that by only connecting to people you know, and then making sure the people you know understand what is and is not something that you’d like to get. (I bet you’d only have to send one note saying something like: “John, thanks for thinking of me, but in the future, I’d rather not see investment offers unless it’s something you _really_ think I should take a look at.”
Keep LinkedIn front and center in your communication pipeline – don’t risk missing that very important contact.
To your continued success,
Steven Tylock
Hi, I do not have access to my LinkedIn account as I have changed from Rogers to Bell and my email address has been changed as well. My old address was xxx.
Thanks Chris
Good luck with that Chris.
(You get that I’m just an author, right?)